Remodeling a Flower System
Here we reformulate the piecewise affine flower system referred to in [Hedlund99] as a Lazy Hybrid Automaton and simulate it as such with hysj.
The PWA flower system is restated here1 as:
Which is remodeled as the HA2:
The constraints on the guards of the HA are here only that they are expressible as logical expressions over functions whose roots can be detected by the solver used for simulation3. The difference in squares is here used directly, but one could also f.ex. have formulated the guard \(x^2_{i^\prime} - x^2_i < 0\) as \((x_i > x_{i^\prime}) \land (-x_i < x_{i^\prime})\).
The HA is simulated in python with hysj and IDA, using the original model parameters45. The simulation is illustrated with matplotlib and numpy. The rays used to define the regions of the state-space in [Hedlund99] are added for illustrative purposes. Roots are drawn with dots. The phase plane of the currently active location is drawn in the background. Code listing below.
- 4
Ignoring time management.
- 5
The bootstrapping process outlined in Structured Transition Guards ensures that one does not need to specify the correct initial discrete location since the HA is deterministic in the sense of Kowalewski et al. in [Lunze09].
Piecewise affine
- HA
Hybrid automaton
- Hedlund99(1,2)
"Sven Hedlund", "Computational Methods for Hybrid Systems"
- Hindmarsh2005
"Hindmarsh, Alan C and Brown, Peter N and Grant, Keith E and Lee, Steven L and Serban, Radu and Shumaker, Dan E and Woodward, Carol S","SUNDIALS: Suite of nonlinear and differential/algebraic equation solvers"
- Lunze09
"Jan Lunze", "Handbook of Hybrid Systems Control"
import hysj continuous = hysj.simulators.continuous discrete = hysj.simulators.discrete hybrid = hysj.simulators.hybrid regions = range(2) variables = range(2) order = 1 locations = [(0,),(1,)] def other_location(l): return ((l[0] + 1)%2,) symbol = 0 def make_problem(): ir = hysj.mathematics.Program() alpha,omega,epsilon = list(map(ir.constant,[5.0,1.0,0.1])) zero = A = [ [ [ ir.negation(epsilon), ir.multiplication([alpha,omega]) ], [ ir.negation(omega), ir.negation(epsilon) ] ], [ [ ir.negation(epsilon), omega ], [ ir.multiplication([ir.negation(alpha), omega]), ir.negation(epsilon) ] ] ] t = ir.symbol() X = [ ir.variable(independent_variable = t,order = 1,info = i) for i in variables ] def f(region,variable): return ir.addition([ir.multiplication([a,x[0]]) for a,x in zip(A[region][variable],X) ]) F = [ [ f(i,j) for j in variables ] for i in regions ] equations = [ [ ir.equality(X[j][-1],F[i][j]) for j in variables ] for i in regions ] ray = [ ir.strict_inequality(X[0][0],X[1][0]), ir.strict_inequality(ir.negation(X[0][0]),X[1][0]) ] abs_greater = [ ir.assertion(ir.strict_inequality(ir.power(X[i][0],ir.constant(2)), ir.power(X[(i+1)%2][0],ir.constant(2)))) for i in variables ] region = [ abs_greater[0], ir.complement(abs_greater[0]) ] problem = hysj.simulators.hybrid.Problem( program = ir, discrete = hysj.simulators.discrete.Problem( make_symbols = lambda l: [symbol], make_target = lambda l,s: other_location(l), is_immediate = lambda l,s: False), continuous = hysj.simulators.hybrid.ContinuousProblem( variables = hysj.simulators.continuous.Variables(independent = t,dependent = X), make_equations = lambda m,l: equations[l[0]], make_constraint = lambda m,l,s: region[other_location(l)[0]])) #NOTE: for convenience - jeh problem.activity_function = F problem.rays = ray return problem #NOTE: fixed-step simulation of problem for t e [0,20.0] def simulate(problem,initial_continuous_valuation): from copy import deepcopy t_begin,t_end,t_count = (0.0,20.0,2000+1) t_delta = (t_end - t_begin) / (t_count - 1) initial_valuation = hybrid.Valuation( discrete = locations[0], continuous = continuous.Valuation( independent = t_begin, dependent = initial_continuous_valuation)) config = hybrid.Config( discrete = discrete.Config(), continuous = continuous.Config( tolerance = continuous.Tolerance(relative = 1.0e-2, absolute = 1.0e-3), step = continuous.Step(mode = continuous.StepMode.fixed, delta = t_delta), stop = t_end)) solution = hybrid.make_solution(problem = problem, initial_valuation = initial_valuation, config = config) trajectories = [] print('simulating...') while event := solution(): if event == discrete.Event.vertex: trajectories.append((tuple(solution.discrete().state().location()),[])) if event == continuous.Event.step or \ event == continuous.Event.init or \ event == continuous.Event.root: trajectories[-1][-1].append(deepcopy(solution.continuous().state().valuation)) if event == raise Exception('simulation failed') print('done...') return trajectories def animate(problem,trajectories): import numpy import matplotlib.pyplot as plot from matplotlib import lines from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation as Animation from matplotlib.animation import writers as animation_writers import hysj.latex print('animating...') def symbol_labeler(s,d): return {tuple(problem.continuous.variables.independent.index()): 't'}.get(tuple(s.index()),f'x_{d}') latex_renderer = hysj.latex.Renderer(problem.program,symbol_labeler) latex_continuous_variables = [ list(map(latex_renderer,X)) for X in problem.continuous.variables.dependent ] figure = plot.figure() axes = plot.axes() legend_lines = [] legend_labels = [] limit = [ max([abs(s.dependent[i][0]) for t in trajectories for s in t[1]]) for i in variables ] margin = 0.1 axes.set_xlim((-limit[0]-margin,limit[0]+margin)) axes.set_ylim((-limit[1]-margin,limit[1]+margin)) axes.grid(True) axes.set_xlabel(f'${latex_continuous_variables[0][0]}$') axes.set_ylabel(f'${latex_continuous_variables[1][0]}$') def colors(i): return ['#377eb8', '#ee6e00', '#4daf4a', '#f781bf', '#a65628', '#984ea3', '#999999', '#e41a1c', '#dede00'][i] def legend_lines(): R = [ lines.Line2D([0],[0],color = colors(len(regions) + r),linestyle = '--') for r,_ in enumerate(problem.rays) ] L = [ lines.Line2D([0],[0],color = colors(l[0])) for l in locations ] return R + L def legend_labels(): R = [ f'$ray_{r}$' for r,_ in enumerate(problem.rays) ] L = [ f'$location_{l[0]}$' for l in locations ] return R + L axes.legend(legend_lines(), legend_labels(), bbox_to_anchor=(0,1.02,1,0.2), loc="lower center", borderaxespad=0, ncol=len(problem.rays) + len(locations)) grid = [ numpy.linspace(-limit[i],limit[i],num = 20) for i in variables ] calculator = hysj.calculators.Basic(problem.program) #NOTE: compute the rays - jeh calculator[problem.continuous.variables.dependent[1][0].index()] = 0.0 for i in range(len(problem.rays)): xdata = [] ydata = [] for x in grid[0]: calculator[problem.continuous.variables.dependent[0][0].index()] = x xdata.append(x) ydata.append(calculator(problem.rays[i])) plot.plot(xdata,ydata,color = colors(len(regions) + i),linestyle = '--') #NOTE: compute quiver of phase plane - jeh def make_quiver(): quiver_grid = numpy.meshgrid(*grid) quiver_data = [] for i in regions: quiver_data.append(([],[])) for a in range(len(quiver_grid[0])): quiver_data[-1][0].append([]) quiver_data[-1][1].append([]) for b in range(len(quiver_grid[0][a])): for k in variables: calculator[problem.continuous.variables.dependent[k][0].index()] = quiver_grid[k][a][b] for k in variables: quiver_data[-1][k][-1].append(calculator(problem.activity_function[i][k])) quiver = plot.quiver(quiver_grid[0], quiver_grid[1], quiver_data[0][0], quiver_data[0][1], pivot='mid', color=colors(0),width=0.003) return quiver_data,quiver quiver_data,quiver = make_quiver() #NOTE: set up animation - jeh state_coords = sum([[(i,j) for j in range(len(trajectories[i][1]))] for i in range(len(trajectories))],[]) frame_step = 10 frame_count = len(state_coords) // frame_step def render(frame_index): coords = {} for i in range(max(frame_step * (frame_index - 1),0),min(frame_step*frame_index + 1,len(state_coords))): j,k = state_coords[i] coords.setdefault(trajectories[j][0][0],[]).append((k,trajectories[j][-1][k])) if not coords: return [] artists = [] current_location = max(coords.keys()) quiver.set_color(colors(current_location)) quiver.set_UVC(quiver_data[current_location][0],quiver_data[current_location][1]) for l,S in coords.items(): color = colors(l) xdata = [ s.dependent[0][0] for k,s in S ] ydata = [ s.dependent[1][0] for k,s in S ] if S[0][0] == 0: artists.append(axes.plot(xdata[0],ydata[0],marker='.',color=color)[0]) artists.append(axes.plot(xdata,ydata,color=color)[0]) return artists Animation(figure,render,frames = frame_count,interval = 1,blit = True)\ .save( 'remodeling-a-flower-system.mp4', writer = animation_writers['ffmpeg'](fps = 30), dpi = 100.0) print('done...') try: problem = make_problem() trajectories = simulate( problem = problem, initial_continuous_valuation = [[1.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0]]) animate(problem,trajectories) except Exception as e: print(f'exception: {str(e)}')